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Jez in the Morning

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Your camp stories were great this year! It was lots of fun to read through them all and now I’m excited to share them with all our readers online! We’re posting each submission right here on the Blog! Since I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes, I’ve moved on to the rest of your submissions. The following post is from Jez L. who wrote in to tell us about her summer days at Camp Foss. Here it is:


We were almost a week into our one-month stay at camp, for my year as a counselor-in-training. Our group wanted to do a special activity, so we decided we'd wake up bright and early, and go paddleboarding for the sunrise. So, we got out of bed at 4:45 in the morning, while it was just slightly bright out, and the fog was still rising out of the pond. We put on our life jackets and headed out on our paddleboards with a lifeguard, who we managed to convince to wake up with us. We paddled around and watched the sun go up as the sky turned different colors; red, pink, orange, yellow, purple... and eventually, a normal blue sky. It was really nice to be out and about while the rest of camp was still asleep, and everything was so quiet and peaceful. Before this experience, I had never been out on the water so early. I really enjoyed having this unique activity with my 10 best friends in one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to.


You captured this moment so well, Jez. What a magical morning that must have been! 4:45 is pretty early—nice work rising to this challenge you counselors-in-training set for yourselves. Thanks for sharing this moment of your summer stay at Camp Foss with us! For everyone else, give Camp Foss a closer look. Check it out for yourself by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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