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It's a Trap...shoot

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Hey, Camp Folks!

Similar to Archery, Trapshooting requires focus, patience, and a keen eye. Shooting a shotgun at a clay targets that are launched from a machine away from the shooter is sort of an accidental sport as it got its start as a method of practice for bird hunters. Live pigeons were replaced with targets (which is why they are now referred to as clay pigeons).  

This sport’s been around since the late 18th century—back when real birds were used. It’s recorded that by the year 1793, Trapshooting was "well established" in England. The passenger pigeon was abundant and the typical bird used before the transition to artificial targets was made. Glass balls were the original step away from live birds which would sometimes be filled with colored powder to add a visual effect that would easily indicate a hit.

Famous Trapshooters of the day such as Captain Bogardus, the wing shot champion of the world and Doc Carver who outmatched the trapshooter he idolized: Captain Bogardus. But by 1880, clay targets were introduced by a man named Fred Kimble though another man named George Ligowsky took credit for the invention. The new targets were dubbed Ligowsky targets and were welcomed as a replacement for the glass balls.

Trapshooters must develop their skills in patience, watchfulness, readiness, focus, leading accuracy, and more in order to advance their abilities. One way to differentiate skill levels is whether a shooter is capable of double target presentations or just single—in other words, are their two targets launched at once or just one.

Along with Riflery, Trapshooting can be found as an available program at many summer camps across the country. Look into the activities your camp offers or get out to a Trapshooting facility near you and test out your skills to see how much you enjoy it. Have fun out there and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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