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If You Love Sports You Will Love Ryan’s Favorite Product

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Today I’m talking about a man who’s already been introduced on the Everything Summer Camp Blog. The manager of our Shipping Department, and longtime employee of ten years, Ryan is a big sports fan. It’s pretty regular to walk over to Ryan’s desk back in shipping and find him listening to sports radio as he’s working away.

From basketball to baseball and, of course, who could forget football—Ryan’s the biggest fan of all three.

And while you’ll never hear him toot his own horn—I’ll toot it for him to tell you—he can golf like you wouldn’t believe! I’ve played with this guy before and he puts me to that one step lower than shame: humiliation!

But I digress, Ryan really likes the Fatheads you can find at Everything Summer Camp. Boston Red Socks“Being a big sports fan, these are the best,” he says. “The ability to move them from place to place is awesome!” That’s right, our NFL, MLB, and NBA Teammates team logos from Fathead are movable, reusable, and just bout indestructible. Change your mind a million times on where you want this decal and it won’t lose its stick.

So were you born with basketball in your blood? Do you have baseball on the brain. Or maybe you want your footlocker to say football. Showcase the team you favor most right on your trunk or pretty much any other smooth, clean, and dry surface like your bedroom door, windows, and walls (as long as your parents say it’s okay).

“They always give me the chance to show my team pride,” Ryan says. Our Teammates team decal packages come with one to three team logo decals about one square foot in size. If you’re a big sports fan like Ryan—get your game face on with these Teammates team logo decals from Fathead!


- John
Posted in Our Products


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