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Home is Where Nokomis

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We’re changing up our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest and turning it into a monthly deal as opposed to our previous annual receival. Today, I have our grand prize winner of the May ‘Share Your Camp Story’ edition. Find out right here and right now—the winner of our $100 gift certificate is….

Healy W.!

Congratulations, Healy! You won our grand prize of a $100 gift certificate to our online store. Healy wrote in to tell us about his time last year at Camp Nokomis. Read about his camp stay from last year and how excited he is to return!

“Last year was an amazing year at camp! It was my 4th summer going to camp, and it was just as amazing as every year before it! Camp Noko is awesome, and I love going back every year to see my friends, the awesome counselors, and, of course, the dogs at camp :). I loved doing archery, going swimming, laughing my head off at improv, trying out leathercraft for the first time, and going climbing! Last year at camp was especially awesome because I spent a ton of time with all of the amazing people at camp and I tried a bunch of new things. On Sundays, we have the three C's. Chapel, Chipwiches, and Campfire! Sundays were and always are definitely some of my favorite days at camp. Chapel is just a time when a group of either senior campers, aides, CITs, or staff put together a theme of something like kindness, empathy, etc. and then find songs that the whole camp sings along to based on the theme and they read a story book connected to the theme. Of course there are also chipwiches, which are THE BEST THING EVER!!! They are chocolate chip cookies stuffed with vanilla ice cream! At the end of the night on Sunday, all of the cabins go down to the lakefront for campfire, the third C. Campfire is when awards from activities are given out, spirit awards go out, and the camp sings songs and hears a poem. It's always super fun and calming. Last year, I got my first ever spirit award, and it was for always making sure that camp is a fun place. I felt really proud and happy when I got the award because I try my best to make everyone happy at camp, because camp is awesome!”

What a fantastic summer stay last year, Healy! I’m camp continues to live up to its hype year after year! It’s great that you’ve encountered such an awesome place, great people, and thrilling fun through Camp Nokomis! The food sounds pretty good too; I need to get my hands on some chipwiches! Thanks for your submission, Healy and congrats once more for your first place prize! To everyone else, get a closer look at Camp Nokomis on their site and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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