Hey, Cozy Kids!
If you enjoy spending your winter days like most people—in the comfort of your home, near the crackling fireplace with abundant blankets strewn about—then this is a day that’s sure to be right up your alley! Go get your mom, dad, younger sibling, or family pet to help you celebrate today!
If you haven’t already guessed it, it’s National Cuddle up Day! What else is a wintry day in January for if you can’t spend it all cuddled up or “snuggled up together like two birds of a feather” (as an old, familiar song puts it)? Am I right? Make sure to warm your bones up on a day like this!
Cuddling up with each other is a great way to spend some quality time with your family. Enjoy the warmth of your heated home, of your nicest blankets, and, of course, the company of those with whom you’re close. You don’t get much closer than you do on a day like today!
For some serious coziness, check out our soft selection of blankets! From Northwest Woolen Mills to Woolrich, we carry quality blankets that are certain to keep you
feeling snug as a bug and oh-so-warm! Enjoy a giant pile of these blankets with your family in what my niece, Tessa, calls ‘a nest.’
Cats and dogs like blankets too, AND they make for excellent cuddle-buddies! I know MY hound dog, Wil LOVES cuddling (with me, anyway). He’s a big dog, but he’s really sweet—and SUPER-warm! He forgets from time to time that he’s no longer a puppy and curls up on my lap. And as painful as that can be, I allow it since he’s such a great cuddler. He even lets me use him as a pillow!
So celebrate National Cuddle up Day—curl up with one of our great blankets and your loved ones, your pets, or just a good book! Have a cozy Cuddle up Day and thanks for reading!
- John