Hey, Camp Preppers!
As we end the month of May and embark on what’s obviously our busiest season here at Everything Summer Camp, it’s imperative that we keep our Call Center packed with competent and helpful representatives who we like to think of as our gear counselors. With the proper management, our Call Center operates like a well-oiled machine: taking calls, placing orders, answering questions, and handling the occasional ‘problem order’.
This department requires a knowledgeable, dedicated head that can keep things running smoothly on a day-to-day basis and that’s where our Call Center Supervisor Anita comes in. Hired on for our seasonal help last year in the Call Center, Anita showed exceptional skills in customer service and it wasn’t long until we could see her in the supervisor position for our Call Center.
With technology taking over, the Call Center has seen a considerable decrease of in-bound calls. While they still receive a decent amount throughout the day, Anita estimates that 75% of customers contact us by either email or LiveChat as opposed to talking to us on the phone. But no matter what mode of communication our customers choose, “Nobody treats their customers as well as we do here,” comments Anita.
A mother herself as well as her own in-home daycare previous to her employment at Everything Summer Camp, it’s nothing short of fitting that she should have found a place for herself here at Everything Summer Camp where she continues to play a role of encouraging children as they grow up.
Bailing hay in the summers on the farm, Anita had no time for summer camp, but she and her husband of 24 years, John, have given their children a different upbringing, sending their younger daughter, Rachel to the Girl Scouts for a number of different summers in the Chippewa Valley and going for family camping trips with Rachel and their older son Robert.
Their children are older now, but back in the day Anita and John had a nice camper that the family and their yellow lab, Tubby Jo Semanko, would stay in during weekend camping trips where they would enjoy campfire pizzas and scrambled eggs in the morning with orange peel muffins.
Everything Summer Camp is more than happy to have such a diligent, warm employee as Anita. I love talking to Anita. Give us a call and maybe you can talk to her too! Enjoy your summer experience and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John