Hey, Proud Dads!
Happy Father’s Day! Today is a day set aside to honor the unconditional, loving support that fathers give to their children every day. On Father’s Days past, I’ve given out gift ideas for dear ol’ dad—things that you could either purchase or things that you could make on your own for free with items found around the house. Today, however, I’m talking about some things you can do WITH your father to make his Father’s Day feel a little more special!
Play catch
Your dad will be sure to appreciate the gesture if you ask him to go play a simple game of catch in the backyard. Dads love ‘Catch’! Whether they want to throw a baseball, a football…SCOOPball—it doesn’t matter. You’ll both enjoy the activity in the fresh air and sunshine—not to mention the quality time you get to spend together.
Catch a Movie
My dad was a movie buff for sure! See if your dad wants to throw something in from your home collection or maybe make some time to head out and catch a show at the theater! You can’t beat the big screen (or the popcorn…or the pretzels)!
Get Musical
Does your dad love music? Maybe he plays an instrument! See if he has time to show off his talents and maybe you can even join in for background accompaniment. Whether you are musically gifted or not, it can be a great bonding experience to let the harmonies and vibrations boost your spirits together!
Play a Game
I don’t know about all of your dads, but my dad and I played a zillion games back in the day. He was a Chess junkie and enjoyed a mean game of Trivial Pursuit. We played video games, card games, and dice games—whatever sort of game is up your dad’s alley, see if he’s interested in playing that tonight!
These are just some ideas that will more-than-likely make your father’s Father’s Day today. Or maybe these ideas have inspired you to go spend some quality time with your dad in some other way that the two of you can enjoy. In any case, enjoy the fun with your dad and give him the best Father’s Day you can! Happy Father’s Day to fathers everywhere and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John