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Don’t shoot! Chute with the CamelBak Chute Water Bottle!

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Hey, Hydrators!

Having your own handy-dandy water bottle at your side throughout the school day is a wise move that only helps make you wiser—or at least it can help make you smarter. ‘How can my water bottle make me smarter?’ you ask? It’s true! And that’s why Everything Summer Camp is proud to offer a wide assortment of water bottles that work just as great during the school day as they do on a camping trip.

The latest addition to our water bottle collection is the CamelBak Chute .75 L bottle. Made The CamelBak Chute .75 L Water Bottle is great company on the go!with maximum efficiency, the cap is leak-proof and its threads are inside the spout for an inviting lip seal while you’re drinking.

The spout is specially designed for a concentrated flow providing you with a quenching stream. Simply twist the cap off and snap it into the handle for a drink. You won’t spill on your class notes drinking out of this water bottle.

And you’ll stay sharp with the CamelBak Chute too. See, when you keep your water bottle around you throughout the day, it just makes it that much easier to supply yourself with a sip. Few people actually drink their recommended daily amount of water. But having your water bottle at your side makes that recommendation so much more achievable.

Your recommended water intake is different for everyone depending on how active you are, how healthy your diet is, and where you live. Chances are you could use to increase your daily water intake.

Just like a well-oiled machine, your body needs water to run properly. Good hydration habits will certainly have a positive effect on your performance as a student just the same way that it has a positive effect your athletic performance.

When you keep yourself properly hydrated, you’ll retain your school lessons better and become all the wiser for it! Thank your CamelBak Chute Water Bottle for being so smooth and keeping you sharp.

Thanks for reading.


- John

Posted in Our Products


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