Hey, Camp Fans!
Your camp stories were great this year! It was lots of fun to read through them all and now I’m excited to share them with all our readers online! We’re posting each submission right here on the Blog! Since I’ve finished announcing our ten lucky winners who took larger prizes, I’ve moved on to the rest of the submissions we got.
The following post is from Dane B. who wrote in to tell us about summer days at Frost Valley YMCA summer camp in New York. Here it is:

“This was my first summer at sleep away camp. It was great. I loved it. I liked the activities, like French Rev, where we snuck through the forest after dark and tried not to get caught by flashlight beams. We did an overnight on a field with nothing but our sleeping bags. That was really fun because we made smores and ran around outside. We slept under the stars - I'd never seen the sky full of stars like that, there were thousands of them! And there was a really bright moon. On Sunday we got to sleep in until 9 and had a 10 o'clock brunch of waffles and ice cream. I loved the cabins because they were modern and had soft mattresses. It was my first time sleeping away from home and it was very fun. I also liked Minecraft theme day because we got to do all sorts of fun activities like have a trip to the Nether and fight with pool noodles and build forts in the woods before it was dark and mobs came out. So camp was very fun and I liked it. I want to go back next year.”
Really cool, Dane. Your night under the stars must have been a rather enchanting time. It’s certainly is a breathtaking sight when you aren’t used to a sky loaded with stars. I’m thrilled to hear that your first summer at a sleep away camp was such a success! Thanks for sharing these highlights with us, Dane! For everyone else, give Frost Valley YMCA a closer look. Check it out for yourself by clicking here and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John