Hey, Flashlight Folks!
In this winter season, our utility bills are high and our days are dark. We can turn lights on as often as we need in the comfort of our own homes. We use fluorescent, incandescent, and LED lights ten times as much as we do in our homes in the summer. But what do we do when we find ourselves in the outdoors? Well, flashlights come in handy year-round.
As a summer camp retailer, Everything Summer Camp knows that flashlights are an essential part of packing gear when you prepare for the summer camp experience. We always want to offer the best of the best on our camping gear shop, so we keep our eyes open when it comes to new products that make their way onto the market. Our eyes grew larger when we first saw our latest flashlights. We fell in love with these handy light sources the first moment we saw them. Introducing the Blackfire Clamplight—the smartest way of manufacturing flashlights.
There are countless jobs and random tasks that require two hands of the folks who pull these jobs off. Even those tasks that don’t necessarily involve two hands are easier at least with the use of both your hands. Things aren’t the same, however, when you use Blackfire’s Clamplight. This Flashlight will clamp onto virtually anything, stand on its own, or work as a traditional flashlight.
The head of the Clamplight swivels in every which direction in order to provide the user with light wherever it’s needed. Blackfire is simply the best selection in flashlights that’s available on the market. Bringing the future to the flashlight, what Blackfire has really done is reinvent the flashlight with their incredible piece of camping gear, the Clamplight.
Get an even closer look at Blackfire’s Clamplight Flashlight right here or take a look at Blackfire’s smaller light source, the Clamplight Mini right here. And, as always, thanks for reading!