Hey, Camp Folks!
We’re always thrilled here at Everything Summer Camp to work closely with somewhere around 250 summer camps from all across the country. And for that reason, we like to express just what wonderful camps they all are! Get ready now as we swing our spotlight to the beautiful and woodsy Wisconsin to take a look at a camp with whom we’ve worked for a very long time.
In fact, this camp was one of the earliest to work with yours truly. Carved out of the gorgeous wilderness of northern Wisconsin, Camp Deerhorn is situated on 100 acres of heavily wooded campground that provides its campers with a million opportunities to explore fun places and activities.
Get your fill of all the fun activities they offer like Archery, Basketball, Baseball , Soccer, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Football, Lacrosse, Ultimate Frisbee, Golf, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking, Riflery, Canoeing, Sailing, Swimming, Arts & Crafts, and Quidditch (be sure to bring your broom).
Explore the attractive facilities around the campgrounds as well. The waterfront was the selling factor for the site they chose when Deerhorn was first born back in the 30’s. They built the Camp Deerhorn Lodge—built from the giant Norway pines that were chopped down and cut by hand. It gives off a woody and warm atmosphere with lofty rafters and a huge stone fireplace. Inside is the main recreational area, the camp’s kitchen, as well as two large dining rooms.
At Camp Deerhorn, they don’t call cabins ‘cabins’—they call them ‘koogees’. Facing North Pelican Lake, each and every one of them is surrounded by beautiful birch, oak, and pine trees. These sleeping quarters are designed to stay dry at all times with screened windows and awnings that operate from the outside. The bunk beds are all made from trees on Deerhorn grounds. They bring a great sense of charm and comfort to the campers and their cabin leaders.
Check out Camp Deerhorn’s website right here if it looks like a good match for your kid and get a taste of Deerhorn with their aerial tour below! As always, thanks for reading, Camp Fans!
- John