Hey, Shoppers!
Thanksgiving is right around the corner which means that Black Friday is nearby as well—just BEYOND that corner. I’m sure that by Thanksgiving, many of you have already prepared yourselves by perusing ads and mapping out the route you’ll take. And I’m sure that while all you prepped people are stuffing your faces with turkey and pie, you’ll hardly be able to stand the anticipation of embarking on your carefully strategized night of shopping. But for another portion of the population, Black Friday is more of a missed opportunity. Especially with opening hours of stores for Black Friday starting to creep into Thursday evening, some people have family visiting for their Thanksgiving celebration and don’t necessarily have time to go shopping.
For any of you who are unable to go out and find jaw-dropping deals, Everything Summer Camp has a nice, little treat for you! How can you reap the benefits of awesome sales on Black Friday while still not leaving your visiting relatives? Online shopping is a great alternative to heading out on this night. Lots of online stores still cut prices way down for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Announcing Everything Summer Camp’s Pre-Black Friday sale going on for our high-quality C&N Footlockers. Check out our slashed prices on our most popular camp trunk—the Happy
Camper as well as the UnderGrad Footlockers are on sale from now until next week Tuesday. Get a C&N camp trunk for $20 less than the regular price while this sale lasts.
As Black Friday continues to push store opening hours earlier and earlier, this shopping experience is butting into the evening of Thanksgiving Day, creating what some refer to as ‘Gray Thursday’. We thought, why not beat everybody to the punch and just start now?! Happy shopping and thanks for reading.
- John