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Black Friday Fun

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Hey, Shoppers!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner which means that Black Friday is waiting right around the corner too. I’m sure that lots of you will have already looked over the Black Friday ads for your favorite stores before you sit down to your Thanksgiving feasts. And I’m sure that as you’re stuffing your face with turkey and mashed potatoes, you’ll hardly be able to stand the wait of embarking on your strategized night of shopping.

But did you know that back when Black Friday was just in its youthful days, stores didn’t want their ads leaked? It made the competition fight back with some aggression. As the times changed, however, and stores began to realize just how excited people were about Black Friday sales, they began to want their ads “leaked” so that shoppers would have some time to map out their Black Friday shopping strategies.

Nowadays—let’s face it—no advertisements are actually being “leaked” anymore. Don’t doubt it for a second that major corporations (or even smaller retailers) know how to keep a secret! From Black Friday ads to company mergers, it’s nothing new for a company to have to keep a tight lid on certain events. They can keep something to themselves when they want.

I think that at this point, we all realize it’s no marketing scandal and that stores are purposefully “leaking” their ads to the public. Nowadays this more-than-obligatory move isn’t really something to be ashamed of so much as it’s necessary to keep up with all the other stores.

With no one being fooled anymore, why don’t stores just come right out and disclose their Robber Mattads for Black Friday sales without having to go through their typical “how-did-this-happen” attitude?

I know the marketing department at Everything Summer Camp would never involve itself in such monkey business, participating in such tomfoolery as leaking our own Black Friday ad.


- John
Posted in History Lessons


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