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Becca M. Found a Camp Gem!

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Hey, Camp Aficionados!

We were overjoyed to get so many great submissions about the camp experience—30 submissions—for our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest that we held here at Everything Summer Camp. Now we’re excited to post each of your entries right here on the Blog! To follow our seven lucky winners of larger prizes, all other entrGet into the Huckins spirit this summer!ants received a $15 gift certificate to our online store! Today’s post is from Becca M., who wrote in to tell us about her fun summer at Camp Huckins. Here’s what she had to say:

The night was clear and starry, the moon shining on our faces leading the way. We were silently walking toward the lodge for candlelight, singing our favorite songs for the last time of the year. It was all of the traditions that have brought me back. It has been the singing on the tables, the food that you just can’t stop eating, the new friends that you meet, and so much more that makes Camp Huckins so special.
             As candles lit the room, the Hucksters filed into the lodge where we were all waiting patiently. For five years they had been at camp, doing everything camp has to offer. I knew that someday I would be sitting in the triangle formation representing the YMCA getting ready for the necklace showing my loyalty of being here, to go over my head, onto my neck. I remembered all the wonderful times I’ve had here, from the first day to the last. Arriving feeling petrified that my trunk wasn’t going to be there, glancing at my new cabin mates, swimming on the clear glassy lake, rolling up to gliding on water skies with a smile breaking out on my face, and walking into the dining hall, when all jaws dropped at the wonderful decorations for banquet night. I looked at my new best friend and knew that this would be a summer I would never forget. Toward the end of candlelight, my new best friend whispered, ‘ I will miss you.’ With my heart weighing me down, I slowly trudged back to the cabin.
             At the cabin, we had to stand outside until tapps with our candles as a camp tradition. One of my friends dropped her candle on the ground and the ground caught fire! The fire was like a snowstorm, Growing and swirling. As we all held our breath, our counselors said, ‘step back we got it!’ My counselors had to stomp on the candle with all their might. All of us were anxiously waiting for the fire to go out, and some of my cabin mates wanted to jump in and help out. With all of us screaming or laughing, the fire went out and the familiar, comforting sound of tapps showing us it was time for bed, blew. But this time I felt like it was showing us that it was time to go home.
             After tapps, we went inside to the cabin. The counselors were acting suspicious. We all looked at each other and wondered what they could be hiding behind their backs. ‘Hey, NO, NO, NO looking!’ We kept trying to take a peek at what we hoped would be a wonderful surprise to celebrate the times we’ve had at camp. A few minutes later smiles broke out on all of our faces and we all ran to get the surprise we’ve been waiting for. IT WAS COOKIES!!!!! We never get to eat in the cabin so this was a great treat! As we ate our cookies, and it was time for confessions. We only did this on the last night so we could confess all that we had done. We all had to share something that we had done ‘wrong.’ My counselors went first. As they told their story, all eyes widened and faces turned red containing our laughter. After the story was over, we all erupted with laughter. Then it was our turn. None of the confessions were as entertaining or good as the counselors’.
             After confessions it was time for bed. As we slept in these beds for the last time of the year, sobs filled the cabin. As the counselors went to their meeting, all my cabin mates and I shared our favorite memories from this year, memories to never forget. As we all slowly drifted to sleep, I knew that I would be back next year, jumping off the tower screaming with joy, horseback riding through the lush trails, and making new best friends, everything about Camp Huckins will bring me back forever.

Camp Huckins sounds like a really special place, Becka! I bet you’ll be going back for years to come! Check out Nellie Huckins for yourself to get an idea of what Becka loves so much about this place. As always, thanks for reading!


- John


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