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Another Week of Winners Starts Right Now...

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Hey, Story Lovers!

Our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest is in full swing this year, and we’ve been revealing our lucky winners and their incredible stories here on the Blog all September long. Today, I’m excited to announce our final $50 gift certificate winner! And that winner is…

Samantha K.! Dive into her story about her unforgettable time at Camp Chen a Wanda right now… 

Check out this great story from Samantha about her time at Camp Chen A Wanda!

“Being a first time camper, the thought of going away for 7 weeks seemed scary. Everyone around me was so excited, so I smiled and powered through any negative thoughts. I was excited for my new summer home, although I didn’t know anyone. I met some people at meet ups, but I had never lived with anyone except my sister. I got to the bus and got on, never looked back. The bus ride was so fun, singing and learning so much about my soon to be home. Within moments, I was hooked. I met my new bunk mates and we all created such fun memories together within days of meeting. I am having the summer of my life, trying so many new things. It isn’t over yet, and I have so many more memories to come, but I already learned the most important thing.. always try new things, no matter how scary it seems, because it can bring so much joy!

Thanks mom and dad for sending me off for the best summer!”


Take in the great summer space of Camp Chen A Wanda!

What an amazing first-time camp experience you had! I’m glad you could overcome your initial nerves and embrace the adventure from the moment you got on the bus. The fun memories you made with your bunk mates and all the new things you’re trying sound like the perfect way to spend a summer! It’s clear that you’re making the most of every moment and learning valuable lessons about stepping out of your comfort zone. Great work, Samantha!

Thank you so much for sharing your incredible journey with us—we're thrilled that this has become the best summer of your life! If anybody else is interested in checking out Camp Chen a Wanda, visit their website by clicking here. Come back each day this week as we continue unveiling our contest winners and, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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