Hey, Camp Fans!
It’s the Everything Summer Camp ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest! We’re in full swing for this year, announcing our lucky winners and sharing their stories right here on the Blog. Today, I’m announcing the first of our $100 gift certificate winners! Today, the winner is….
Christina F.!
Congratulations, Christina! You’ve won a $100 gift certificate to our one-stop camping gear shop! Christina wrote in to tell us about her daughter's fun time at Pilgrim Park Camp. Read about it in her Contest entry right here:

“Last year, I shared the story of how my daughter’s camp experience consisted of two years of a half-week camp followed by two years of COVID. Then when the camp reopened the following year, they only made it a few hours into what was to be my daughter's first full-week camp before the whole camp had to close due to COVID. Fortunately, COVID did NOT ruin camp this year! She had her first full-week camp experience and it was wonderful. Just like last year, she marched right into her cabin without looking back, and almost forgot to say goodbye! In addition to finally getting back into her favorite camp activity (archery), she went creek walking, pedal-boating, and made campfire s’mores. She also got to enjoy first-time activities like canoeing and the camp dance. She learned that cabin mates are there for each other no matter what when her bunk mate squished a scary spider for her. And she made a pen pal (text pal?) so she can keep those camp feelings and memories alive all through the year. Even though she’s going to a different camp than I did growing up, I love that she’s experiencing some of the same things I did as a camper. Every camp is unique and has things that make it special, but it’s pretty awesome thinking about the traditions and experiences that cross “camp lines” and connect campers everywhere.”
Yayyyyyy! I’m so glad your daughter had the opportunity to return to full, normal camp this summer! No surprise closings. No restrictions. How nice that she got to take part in some of her favorite activities and made a friend to keep in touch with outside of camp! You’re right that all camps are unique, but I’m glad her experience at Pilgrim Park mirrors your own time at camp.
To anybody else interested in Pilgrim Park for summer camp, you can check it out by clicking right here and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John