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An HONORABLE Summer Camp Stay

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Hey, Camp Fans!

There are plenty more stories to come from the Everything Summer Camp ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest! We’re publishing each submission individually on a post right here on the Blog one by one! The following submission is from Shelby H. who wrote in to us about her summer adventure at Camp Crestridge:


“The part that I loved most was everything me and my cabin did together. After 2 weeks together, we all have special bonds between each other. We did so many things together. Every memory is different and so special. My personal favorite is when my cabin won Honor Cabin. We were so excited when we heard the awesome news. We got our pictures taken and on our plank that we signed our name on now had a special stamp that said “HONOR CABIN”. After that we jumped in the pool in the night before and had pizza and icees. I’ll never forget that day. Every day I still look at the pictures and wish I was still there, jumping in the lake, playing tether ball, eating candy, listening to music, or just talking on our cabin porch. I’ll never ever forget the memories and experiences that I had. It was just so special. My memories will always be there. Every single one is just so special because you can’t go back in time and re-experience the same things. Even the ones where we were talking while walking to our next skill. My experience was just so special and spectacular that it’s just……. Impossible to describe. In fact I’m just so in awe that I…”


Hi, Shelby! That’s wonderful that you and your cabinmates developed such a close-knit bond throughout your two weeks together. Congratulations on winning Honor Cabin! I’m glad it resulted in such a cool night for you guys! And you’re right—you will remember this time forever. Enjoy the memories!

Give Camp Crestridge a closer look for yourself when you click right here and see if it could be the right summer camp for your next summer. Thanks for reading and, as always, Happy Camping!


- John


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