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Along With Fall Comes FOOTBALL

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Hey, Sports Fans!

Unfortunately, summer camp, as well as summer always has to come to an end. But as disappointing as that can be, look at the bright side—the end of summer marks the beginning of football season! When I was a kid I loved the weekly football parties we had at my house. There was excellent food with endless snacks, funny comments, and of course—football!

 It used to be a lot of work. We would call our guests to see what they were bringing so we could orchestrate some kind of theme. When I was a kid I also thought that my house was the only one that threw such fun football parties like that.

Turns out it’s a pretty popular thing for football fans to do. And since it’s such a popular thing to do, conveniences have been made in technology so that football party planning isn’t quite so much work. Nowadays a party like that is easy to collaborate. Just go online and find Pinterest.

football party

Pinterest is a corkboard style Web site that lets you organize theme-based images. You can share photos, recipes, or anything else you might need to coordinate with your friends so your football parties are as fun as mine were when I was younger.

It’s a very easy, user-friendly Web site where you simply upload your images (as well as word documents or videos), save them, sort through them, and manage them. These images or other type of content that you upload becomes known as pins.

You then choose where you want to these pins to go. If it’s a recipe for a football party, then put it with the rest of your football party corkboard. If it’s instructions on how to juggle, pin it to your hobbies corkboard. It’s that easy to use!

We are taking a break from making footlockers (don’t worry we are still making them, just not quite as many this time of year) to jump on the Pinterest train here at Everything Summer Camp for this football season! Till next time, Blog Fans!


- John



Posted in The ESC Funzone


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