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No-electronics Alanna

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Hey, Camp Fans!

In the middle of July, I asked you guys to share your camp stories. We got a great response with nearly 30 entries so we’re happily publishing each and every submission right here on the Blog! Everyone who submitted got $15 gift certificates and seven lucky winners got larger prizes of $25, $50, and the grand prize of $100. Today I’m announcing our Grand Prize Winner! Drumroll, please……….

Alanna G.! Congratulations! You’re our first place winner! Alanna spent her summer at Beber Camp where she made great friends and got in touch with herself, leaving her phone, tablet, and other electronics behind. Check out what she had to say about camp in this honest entry from Alanna:
Alanna loved Beber, how 'bout you?

“‘The journey of 1000 smiles starts with 72 steps.’ I have attended B’nai B’rith Beber Camp for 5 years. There is no place I’d rather be. You make so many friends, new and old! The friends you make aren’t just with campers. You develop bonds with the staff. They come from near and far with so many different and unique talents.

Phones are a HUGE part of teenagers’ lives today. However, at Beber, there is a ‘no screen’ policy. So, there are no phones. From personal experience, it is so amazing to be without my phone and learn to appreciate the people that I don’t get to see every day. It also helps me define who I am as a person. I have learned so many new things about myself and others.

The traditions at camp are so amazing and special. No matter if we are all at flagpole chanting ‘Tucked Away’, or if we are singing our hearts out at a Friday night song session it is always fun and memorable!

Lastly, my favorite time at camp is havdalah. The whole camp gathers together in the amphitheater and every cabin shares something special about their week and then we conclude with havdalah, the lighting of the candle and the end of the Sabbath.

But… there is more than just that. It’s the community coming together! Everyone cares for each other at camp and it is really special to say that I go to Beber Camp!

In conclusion, there is no place better than B’nai B’rith Beber Camp. People work so hard to make sure we are having fun, and they do an AMAZING job!!

(love, health, and happiness)”

Thanks again for your submission, Alanna. We’re happy to hear that your summer was such a success! For anyone else interested in Camp Beber, you can check it out right here. And, as always, thanks for reading!


- John


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