Hey, Summer Lovers!
We all know what a blast summer camp is. But to send your kids off with everything that they’ll need for camp can become a pretty expensive ordeal for any family—depending especially on how many kids you have! All those name labels, laundry bags, backpacks, and all the fun stuff quickly adds up after a short while.
One beautiful thing about your solid, sturdy, steel trunk for summer camp is that it’s made to last long after camp. All that money you spent for summer camp will eventually become money spent in going off to college ten years down the road! A good trunk for camp should be more than sturdy enough to last the likely decade between camp and college.
Unfortunately for me, I didn’t know about Everything Summer Camp when I went to summer camp. On the other hand, I did have my C&N Footlocker by the time I went to college. Let me tell you—having a trunk like this in my college dorm room was absolutely invaluable.
Expensive and important items like your laptops, cameras, textbooks, and any other important documents are always at risk of getting spilled on, creased, or worse. These items and plenty more will easily fit safe inside a C&N Footlocker from Everything Summer Camp that you used to use for camp back in the day.
If our other footlockers are too big for you then try out the Companion Footlocker. You can still pack plenty inside this thin case but it’s slender enough to fit in places our other trunks could never go.
So find yourself a rugged, quality-made trunk for summer camp or college at Everything Summer Camp, your one stop shop for all your summer camp needs—and college needs too!
- John