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A New Tap Girl in Town

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Hey, Camp Fans!

We were delighted to see such a great response to our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest here at Everything Summer Camp and now we’re eager to publish each one right here on the Blog! After our seven lucky winners, everyone else who submitted received a $20 gift certificate to our online store!

Today’s post is from Gianna B. who attended Camp Tapawingo in Maine. Check out her submission on why camp is so great!


“My best memory at camp It was my first year at a new camp and I was very nervous to meet my bunk, but when I got to my bunk immediately I got to know my bunkmates and they were all so nice to me. The next day we had our swim test and when I was getting tired my bunk mate motivated me into finishing it and later that day I was feeling home sick and my bunkmate comforted me and when my friend had to be sent home all my bunkmates comforted me. I actually have a few memories one being when I first got to know one of my best friends and when she got back from her 6 day trip and getting to spend time with her later that day. Another memory that will stay with me is when I got on a horse for the first time. And although I had to leave I will never forget my first year at Tapawingo.”


Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Gianna! I’m glad you found such a welcoming and comforting home away from home in Camp Tapawingo! How cool that you got to meet so many new people! What a great place Tapawingo must be! For everyone else, if it sounds like Tapawingo could be the right place for you, check it out for yourself by clicking here. As always, thanks for reading!


- John


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