Hey, Everything Summer Camp Fans!
It was very nearly one year ago to the date that I virtually introduced you all to Mr. Matthew DeMuth, the Sales Director of Everything Summer Camp. I told you all about his crazy sense of humor, solid determination, and wild eccentricities. But today, we’re going to scratch a little deeper past his surface—prepare yourself to get up-close and personal with Matt.
While he grew up in Dodgeville (not too far away from Madison), Matt currently lives in Chippewa Falls with his wife, Chris, and his three kids, Quinn, Reagan, and Reece. So how did he get there? Well, he moved to Eau Claire where he attended college at the University of Eau Claire.
Fast-forward to his senior year in college and that’s when Matt met Chris who got him to stick around the area. He found a job right away and decided Eau Claire was the place for him for the time. After Chris finished school, the two of them got married and decided to move to Chippewa Falls (a good middle ground between his family and hers).
They’ve become the proud parents of their twin children, Quinn and Reagan. This brother and sister duo are an adorable handful who bring so much joy to their tired, loving parents. And as of this last December, Matt and Chris welcomed their third child, Reece, into the world.
Matt and Chris also have Ally and Baylor—two gentle, canine beasts. The both of them (and Baylor especially) are the biggest dogs I’ve ever met. They’re also incredibly mild-mannered!
Together, Matt’s family enjoys hosting campfires in their backyard or game nights in the house. They enjoy sporting events and spending time outside. “We don’t go on too many vacations, but we visit family pretty often and just enjoy quality time together,” says Matt. He always has a bright outlook on his family’s future and looks forward to watching his kids grow up.
That’s all for today, Campers. Till next time.
- John