Hey, Bookworms!
Pick up anything good lately? Enjoying a good read is great for you. Reading is a wonderful habit to find yourself immersed in. In a previous post, I’ve gone over what amazing health benefits you reap from reading such as reduced stress, increased empathy, sharper brain functions, and more. Check out the whole post by clicking right here.
Lots of kids, even if they’re not the world’s most avid readers, still have their favorites—books that really made an impact on them the first time they read it and stuck with them afterward. I remembered being absolutely obsessed with one book in particular when I was eight years old.

Here’s your chance to recommend your favorite book to a large audience made up of lots of kids in your age group. We’d love to hear about it and so would all of our fellow Everything Summer Camp Blog followers,I’m sure!
So long as the books are appropriate for young readers, I’m happy to feature all kinds—from Golden Books for very young kids to classic chapter books for preteens like ‘Where the Red Fern Grows’. We’ll include graphic novels and comic books as well.
Tell us how old you were when you first read your recommendation and why it is that you love it so much. Just fill out our form when you click right here ______________ and look for your book to be featured.
So long as you know of a really fantastic title, share the wealth and let everyone know what it means to you. Maybe it will mean just as much to somebody else! Enjoy this opportunity and look forward to seeing your own reading recommendation featured right here on the Everything Summer Camp Blog! Thanks for your submissions and, as always, thanks for reading!
- John