Hey, Camp Enthusiasts!
We're thrilled by the wonderful camp stories you've shared for this year’s 'Share Your Camp Story' Contest here at Everything Summer Camp. Campers, you've truly surpassed expectations this year! These stories are great and I'm excited to continue featuring them one by one to our online community. Each submission is getting featured right here on the Blog!
The following post comes from Adrinna K., who took the time to share her first-time experiences at Camp Eagle Ridge. Dive into her submission right here:

“My name is Adrinna Keefer. I am 10 years old. I went to Camp Eagle Ridge in Wisconsin. It was so much fun. This was my first time going to camp.
At first I was scared at the thought of going to camp though I pretended I was not so my mom would not be worried. But once I got off the bus and met my counselors and bunk mates, I was very happy. Everyone was so nice.
I loved trying new things like canoeing, catching frogs, feeding an alpaca!!
My cabin was really nice. It felt like a hotel. It even had showers inside and we did not have to go to the shower house. The counselors were super nice. They even helped me braid my hair! The camp store had lots of delicious snacks. My favorite was the chocolate malt. It was my first malt. I had one every day.
I met a new friend. We have talked on the phone and she even remembered my birthday—after camp was over! Our parents have talked, and we may return to camp next year at the same time.
The only thing I did not like were the bugs. I hate bugs. But I still had a great time. I hope I can go back next summer.”
Thanks for your submission, Adrinna! It’s great to hear that you had such a great first year of summer camp (despite your initial concerns)! You must be a very thoughtful girl to keep your concerns to yourself so your mother didn’t worry! How great that you immediately felt at ease?! Way to go trying new things, making friends, and embracing the experience! Your story makes me want a malt and I hope you do return to camp next year.
P.S. I’m with you! Bugs are the worst!
Is anybody else interested in checking out Camp Eagle Ridge? Give this camp a closer look when you click right here. Thanks for reading and, as always, Happy Camping!
- John