Hey, Camp Folks!
The response to our ‘Share Your Camp Story’ Contest at Everything Summer Camp came in at about 60 entries! We’ve been happily plugging away to share each and every one right here on the Blog! We received a handful that weren’t quite long enough to qualify for our contest, but we thought we’d at least share them on the Blog. Check out these accounts from excited campers and parents!
First is this entry from Colton S. who attended Adventurous Christians Summer Camp:
“When I went up to Adventourous Christians I learned a lot of stuff. One thing I learned was how to tell what way is north. We figured out what way was north by holding our compasses flat on the table. I also learned that when they go on trips in the boundary waters that they can only send 9 people at a time. I also learned how to tie three knots. The first knot what the slip knot, then the double figure right knot, thne the square knot. I learned that lake superior is really cold too—even in the middle of summer! I learned different ways to paddle a conoe. I also learned how to rock climb. I learned a lot of stuff at camp and those were some.”
Next up is a submission from Kris W. who wrote in to tell us about her daughter’s Girl Scouts experience!
“Campapalooza! This summer, our daughter, Trudy, started out tent camping with our Girl Scout Troop at Sam A Baker National Park where we cooked on buddy burners and over an open fire, hiked 5 miles, swam in the river at the end of the trail, and slept in tents. Then, she went to Girl Scout Camp for a week where she rode horses, canoed in a river, and swam every day. A few weeks after that, she attended Church Camp where she hiked to a cave, roller skated, swam every day, and studied the Word of God with other young people. She has had an amazing summer, and I've seen her grow into a confident and courageous tween.”
Thanks for these submissions, Colton and Kris! I’m glad you learned so much at camp! These resourceful skills are certain to come in handy in the future! And that’s great to hear about Trudy, Kris! Camp really has a way of transforming kids to express a more authentic understanding of themselves! If anybody else is interested in attending one of these camps, put some time aside and look into Adventurous Christians or look into the Girls Scouts for yourself! And, as always, thanks for reading!
- John