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JanSport: Making Topnotch Outdoor Backpacks Since 1967

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Hey, Camp Fans!

Today I want to tell you about another outstanding company with whom everyone here at Everything Summer Camp is very proud to be doing business. And that company is JanSport. This extremely well-known name is the Original Outdoor Gear Brand that we all know and love.

A division of VF Outdoor, Injansport-backpack-big-bear-cilantro-greenc., by 1967 JanSport was founded in Seattle, Washington thanks to three innovators of the outdoor industry. Manufacturing and marketing topnotch outdoor backpacks has always been JanSport’s calling though they do now offer other outdoor gear, travel gear, daypacks, as well as collegiate decorated apparel.

You can find JanSport backpacks and products all over the world in sporting goods stores, college bookstores, department stores, as well as specialty and boutique retail stores. The entire idea of JanSport is based on helping people get from point A to point B—whether that means going to school or going across the world, JanSport is there to help you do it.

It doesn’t matter whether your destination is the longest of distances or just a couple blocks down at your friend’s house—it’s typical to have essentials that you need to bring backpack-jansport-superbreak-blackalong. That’s where JanSport comes in. They help you get to point B with utter convenience and functionality.

That’s what they mean by their Brand tagline: Discover Freedom. It means, get out there and discover who and where you are in the world. JanSport can help you with everything you’ll need. It’s all in your backpack. Now go have an adventure.

As basic as they may be, JanSport puts a good effort forward to make their backpacks versatile. The same backpack that you load up with books to take home from school may be what you bring with you to hike the trails at camp. Keeping this concept forefront in the minds of the designers, each backpack design is made to be useful on multiple levels—flexible.

Safe travels, campers! Wherever you’re going, go with JanSport.


- John


Posted in Vendor Spotlight


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