Hey, Sports Fans!
Queue the symphonic masterpiece of the Olympic Musical Theme. The extra-long awaited 2020 Summer Olympics officially begin today and spans the next couple weeks, out to August 8. Some events like the softball and the men’s and women’s soccer tournaments have already begun a couple days back, but the official beginning of the Games is today.
The Olympic Games are performed every four years and were set to fall last summer. Due to the coronavirus, however, the Games were postponed a year out and we’re now treated to them this year, hosted in the Japanese capital of Tokyo.

While summer camp is about so much more than athletics—fun, friends, nature, self-identity—improving your athletic ability is a really big part of camp. And nearly everything they do in the Summer Olympics is a sport or activity (or at least something in a similar field) that you can participate in during your summer camp stay. From team sports to sports for individual performance on land and in the water, the Olympics is like the worldwide exhibition of the sports of summer camp!
They’ve got Archery. They’ve got Gymnastics. They’ve got Swimming. They’ve got Badminton. There’s Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, BMX Freestyle, BMX Racing, Boxing, Canoeing, Kayaking, Diving, Equestrian Riding, Fencing, Football, Golf, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Karate, Mountain Biking, Road Cycling, Rowing, Rugby, Sailing, Shooting, Skateboarding, Sport Climbing, Surfing, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Trampoline, Water Polo, Weightlifting, Wrestling, and more.
While the Summer Games are taking place in Tokyo this year, they were meant to be played last year. It’s been agreed upon that the Games this summer will still be referred to as the 2020 Olympics. Whatever they call it, enjoy tuning into this year’s summer installment of the Olympic Games to make up for last year. And, as always, thanks for reading, Camp Fans!
- John