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Get Good Gear

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Purchase good quality items that will last year after year....flashlights, bedding, bins, floor mat, camp chair, etc.....we washed everything when they came home and almost everything came out looking like new again. Can't wait to pull it all out again and see it fresh for the new camp season!

Amy G.
Parent of a Camper
Birch Trail Camp
1 year

Homesick at Camp?

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Homesickness can happen to everyone, no matter how old you are, how many summers you've been at camp, or how much you love camp. It can be hard to be away from everyone and everything back home, but there's a few ways to get past homesickness that I have seen work wonders. First, remember that you are at camp and you'll only be there for a short time compared to the rest of the year. There's tons of things at camp that you can only do at camp, and people you only see at camp, so try to enjoy it while you can! Next, remember that your friends and family really aren't that far away, and you can send them a letter any time you want! Then try to think about how fast camp goes by and that by the end of it, you won't want to leave because it feels too quick. If none of that is working, it's time to self soothe. Two of my favorite ways to do this is by looking at constellations (if you can see the stars from your bed) or by listneing to/very quitely humming a lullaby to yourself. If you have an ipod/mp3 player, try playing something calming. Even if it doesn't put you right to sleep, it an help clear your mind. If all else fails, you can always talk to your counselor and they can help you talk through what's on your mind. Us counselors really value our sleep, but we value your happiness more so don't be afraid to wake us up if you really need our help. It is our whole job to make sure you are safe and happy, so we are more than happy to help.

Sara Y.
Camp Staff Member
Kamp Kickapoo
10 years

Making Friends

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Camp friends are what truly make camp special. But, it can be kind of scary to make new friends, so here is my advice on how to make some of the best friends you'll ever have. Firstly, be open! You might miss your friends from home and be nervous around new people; but take a deep breath, and remind yourself that your friends from home were once new too. Once you've gotten past any innitial nerves, it's pretty simple: just start talking! Ask questions, find common interests, tell them about yourself, ask if they want to sign up for classes together or if you can borrow a book they brought or really anything! And then just keep saying hi and making conversation until you're not even thinking about it anymore, you're just hanging out with your friend! I know it can be intimidating, but trust yourself to find someone you'll look forward to seeing every summer.

Sara Y.
Camp Staff Member
Kamp Kickapoo
10 years

Embrace It

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Kamp Kickapoo counselor with her horse

I went to kamp for most of my childhood and am now a counselor at the camp I grew up at. It has been an incredible blessing to be able to see girls grow up summer to summer, and know that I can be there for them the same way my counselors were there for me when I was a camper. My biggest piece of advice is simple: embrace it. Embrace the late night dance parties, the mosquito bites, the star gazing, the camp food, the classes, the cabin jokes, the new friends - all of it. Every year at kamp brings new opportunities and excitement, so go into it ready to have the most fun ever doing anything and everything that comes your way. I met some of my most important and cherished friends at kamp (both as a camper and a counselor) and I can honestly say I would be lost without them. But I would never have found them if I hadn't embraced camp in all it's glory and been open to their new friendships when they came along. Camp can change your life forever in the best ways possible, so let it!

Sara Y.
Camp Staff Member
Kamp Kickapoo
10 years

Pack Early

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My best tip is to start packing early. Don’t wait until the last minutes to start packing because you will probably forget something. So once you get the list of things to bring start packing little by little.

Salewa B.
Camp Netimus, 1 year