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Make a Check List

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Always make a check list of everything you bring and label all personal items.

Save this list in a pocket or drawer and upon departing go back over list. Helps keep track of items (:

Alyssa F.
Parent of a Camper

Tips for Packing

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I have one of the leading parenting channels on Youtube- we made a video last year on tips for packing for summer camp!

Elle W. 
Parent of a Camper
River Way Ranch Camp
3 Years

Decorating Your Trunk

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Get a local artist to uniquely decorate your trunk!! Marc Fresh in Baton Rouge, LA did ours!

Ashley R.
Parent of a Camper
Camp Ozark
1 Year


Mailing Letters

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To help campers with homesickness, mail letters before they go to camp so they can get them right away. I never realized how much they could mean in helping my daughter adjust to camp!

Callie F. 
Parent of a Camper
Camp DeSoto
1 Year

Pack With A Plan

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Have a plan where you are going to put everything you are taking in your trunk and bags before you actually pack. It saves time when it’s time to truly pack, and uses space efficiently.

Gabe F. 
Parent of a Camper
1 Year
Camp DeSoto