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Limit Your Packing

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I've only been going to Arbutus for four years but I've gone to other camps that definitely helped me learn. When your packing for camp limit yourself. I always brought way to much. For me I only bring my Trunk my hiking pack(or the bag I need) and a backpack! I try to fold my clothes as small as possible and don't over pack. I try to bring a variety of colors as different activities require different colors sometimes. I than have my backpack where I put any activity stuff I want. I'm only in my cabin for max 1.5 hours a day as there's so much to do so typically I like to bring my beads for bracelets photos of family and friends and a card game. Most of the time I bring way to much and don’t use half of it!

Kate W.
YMCA Camp Arbutus Hayo-Went-Ha
4 Years


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