Choose Your Own Adventure #18 - Return to Atlantis
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The fabled city of Atlantis slipped into the sea thousands of years ago. Miraculously, while deep-sea diving three years ago, YOU found the lost continent. But when you returned to the surface of the sea with no proof, no one on Earth believed your story. Now you are attempting to return to the city and bring back proof of your discovery. A treacherous king, rebel slaves, and an evil people called the Nodoors compete to control you when you arrive in Atlantis. This isn't exactly how you remembered the city! Maybe you should return to the surface forever?
About the Author R. A. MONTGOMERY is an avid outdoorsman. He has hiked in the Himalayas, climbed mountains in Europe, scuba-dived in Central America and sailed in Franco-phone Africa. He has lived in France, travels frequently to Asia and calls Vermont home. His interests include macroeconomics, geo-politics, mythology, history, mystery novels and music. He has two grown sons, a daughter-in-law and two granddaughters.