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How many Easter Eggs are in this Happy Camper Trunk?

 Guess how many eggs

We have filled this base of this Happy Camper Trunk with traditional plastic Easter Eggs. How many eggs do you think are inside the trunk?

The closest guess wins a $100 Everything Summer Camp gift card. It doesn't matter if your guess is over or under the exact amount, the closest guess wins.

The second closest guess will get a $50 gift card and the third closest wins a $25 gift card. Good luck!


One guess per person. Entries will be accepted until Sunday, April 17th at 11:59pm CST. Winners will be announced on Monday, April 18th. 


This contest is now closed. We had a lot of very close guesses for this contest. 
The actual number of eggs in the trunk was 864. Here are our winners:

3rd place - Lacy K. from Camp Skyline with a guess of 862.
2nd place - Jennifer K from Camp Ozark with a guess of 865
and in 1st place with a perfect guess of 864 is 
Nicole B. from Camp Sloane.

Thanks to everyone that participated. Be sure to subscribe to our email list and follow us on social media to stay in the know on future contests.