Other YMCA Camp Widjiwagan-MN Families are Buying
Prepare yourself for excitement and thrills at Camp Widjiwagan-MN. You're going to have a ton of fun this summer learning the basic skills of canoeing, camping, and navigation in a fun and supportive environment.. You'll have tons of fun spending your days at Camp Widjiwagan-MN, learning about friendship and the world around you.Everything Summer Camp offers a wide selection of camping gear including C&N Camp Footlockers, water bottles, bedding, and Speedo swimwear. We've put the Camp Widjiwagan-MN packing list online so you can get the gear you need fast. Here at Everything Summer Camp, we want to make sure you have a great camping experience. Give us a call at 1-800-535-2057 and let us help you get ready for camp.