Choose Your Own Adventure #7 - Race Forever
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You have been selected to race in one of the most grueling competitions in the world, the African Road Rallies. You will be competing in two races: one on fast roads and the other off road and on very rough terrain. Navigating the coordinates of the route and getting to checkpoints in time will be thrilling, but there will be many unexpected challenges along the way. They call this one of the wildest parts of Africa, so stalling out in this exposed terrain will make you an easy target for wildlife. But there's something else here you didn't realize you would worry about. You witness starvation and other forms of human suffering on your journey. Is winning the race the most important thing? Find out.
About the Author R. A. MONTGOMERY is an avid outdoorsman. He has hiked in the Himalayas, climbed mountains in Europe, scuba-dived in Central America and sailed in Franco-phone Africa. He has lived in France, travels frequently to Asia and calls Vermont home. His interests include macroeconomics, geo-politics, mythology, history, mystery novels and music. He has two grown sons, a daughter-in-law and two granddaughters.