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The days will melt together as you spend countless days at New England Keswick having fun and making friends. Campers will have a great time tubing, hiking, building model airplanes and playing ultimate Frisbee in the beautiful Berkshire Hills of Monterey, Massachusetts. This summer you'll be thrilled at New England Keswick meeting friends and getting to know yourself.Not sure where you placed your packing list? Don't worry, we have the New England Keswick packing list available online. Check out Everything Summer Camp's wide variety of summer camp gear including the great C&N Footlockers, made right here in our factory. We have bedding, fans, Sigg water bottles, and everything else you'll need before heading off to summer camp. Everything Summer Camp is all about getting you ready for a fun filled summer at camp. Give us a call at 1-800-535-2057 if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you.Good luck in the Talent Show and have a great time!