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Cabin Comfort 1.5" Memory Foam Egg Crate Twin or Cot Camp Mattress Pad
Regular price $27.99 On Sale from $22.99
Hey, boys! Get ready for a summer of fun at Hockey Montreal International. You're going to have a ton of fun this summer practicing puck control, stick handling, your skating techniques and passing and shooting skills. Acquire skills you'll use for life at Hockey Montreal International where they'll teach good sportsmanship and teamwork.Everything Summer Camp offers a wide selection of camping gear including C&N Camp Footlockers, water bottles, bedding, and Speedo swimwear. We've put the Hockey Montreal International packing list online so you can get the gear you need fast. For over 20 years Everything Summer Camp has been all about helping you get ready for camp. Give us a call if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you. 1-800-535-2057.Better Hockey skills! Stronger skating! A great time for everyone!