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Day Camp vs. Overnight Camp—Making the Right Choice

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Hey, Camp Parents!

Are you thinking of sending your child to camp but not sure if your child is ready to be away from home? Perhaps you ought to consider a day camp as opposed to an overnight camp. Both options offer unique experiences and benefits, and the choice largely depends on your child's personality, interests, and your family's needs.

In this Blog post, we'll explore the differences between day camp and overnight camp, along with the pros and cons of each, to help you make an informed decision.

Kids have a great time at both day camp as well as overnight camp.

Day Camp: The Pros and Cons


Commute Convenience

Day camps typically involve dropping off and picking up your child daily. This convenience can be a significant factor for parents with busy schedules or those who want to be more involved in their child's daily activities.

Comfort of Home

Day campers enjoy each other's company and structured, fun days.

Your child sleeps in their own bed, reducing homesickness and providing a sense of security.

Structured Day

Day camps often have a well-organized daily schedule with specific activities, allowing children to explore various interests.

Social Interaction

Your child has the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of peers and build friendships within your local community.


Day camps are generally more affordable than overnight camps since they don't include accommodation and meals.


Limited Immersion

Day campers miss out on the immersive experience of spending extended periods away from home, which can be character-building.

Shorter Duration

With day camps, the activities are limited to daytime hours, reducing the variety and depth of experiences.

Less Independence

Children may have fewer opportunities to develop independence and self-reliance compared to overnight campers.


Overnight Camp: The Pros and Cons

Campers of overnight camps have a totally different experience.


Immersion and Independence

Overnight camps provide an immersive experience where children develop greater independence by taking care of themselves away from home.

Varied Activities

Campers have access to a broader range of activities, including outdoor adventures, arts and crafts, sports, and more.

Life Skills

Campers learn valuable life skills like decision-making, problem-solving, and teamwork in a supportive environment.

Lasting Friendships

Living together in a cabin fosters strong bonds, and camp friends often become lifelong friends.

Personal Growth

Overnight camps encourage personal growth by pushing campers outside their comfort zones and promoting resilience.




Separation from home can trigger homesickness in some campers, although many camps have effective strategies to help kids cope.


Overnight camps tend to be more expensive due to the extended stay, but scholarships and financial aid options may be available.

Less Family Time

Families have less time together during the camp session, which can be challenging for both parents and campers.

Making the Right Choice

Overnight campers have a whole different experience of camp.

So, how do you decide between day camp and overnight camp for your child? Here are some factors to consider:

How much adventure is your camper looking for out of their summer camp experience?

Child's Age and Maturity

Younger children may be more comfortable with day camp, while older, more mature kids might benefit from the extended experience of overnight camp.

Interests and Goals

Consider your child's interests and what they hope to gain from camp. Overnight camps often offer more specialized activities and skill development.

Independence Level

Assess your child's readiness for independence. If they're eager to explore new horizons and learn self-sufficiency, overnight camp may be a good fit.

Family Dynamics

Consider your family's needs and dynamics. If you have other children at home or specific commitments, day camp may be a more practical choice.

Make sure you and your camper choose the right choice for them.

Camp's Reputation

Research the camp thoroughly. Read reviews, talk to other parents, and visit if possible to get a sense of the camp's culture and values.


Determine your budget and explore financial aid options if you're interested in overnight camp but concerned about costs.


In the end, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It's essential to communicate openly with your child, involve them in the decision-making process, and choose the camp that aligns with their interests and developmental stage.

Whether day camp or overnight camp, both options offer valuable opportunities for personal growth, skill-building, and unforgettable summer memories. Make sure your camper has a great camp experience this summer. Thanks for reading and, as always, Happy Camping!


- John

A Comprehensive Guide on Sleepaway Camp Scholarships

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Camp Scholarships could make summer camp happen for you and your camper.



Hey, Parents!

Lots of folks know how important summer camp can be for the development of younger children. That’s why they choose to send their own child even when it might pull a little tight at the purse strings. It’s also why camp scholarships, grants, and other opportunities of financial assistance are frequently sought out among families looking to make camp more affordable.

Scholarships for sleepaway camps can provide an excellent opportunity for children to experience the benefits of a residential camp program despite the financial constraints the family faces. Here's what you need to know about scholarships for sleepaway camp—broken down into four different categories:



1. Types of Scholarships:

  • Need-Based Scholarships: These scholarships are typically awarded to families who demonstrate financial need. Eligibility criteria may vary from one camp to another, but they often require families to provide financial documentation to determine their level of need.
  • Merit-Based Scholarships: Some camps offer scholarships based on a camper's skills, talents, or achievements in a particular area, such as academics, sports, arts, or leadership. Applicants usually need to demonstrate excellence in their chosen field.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships: Many camps are committed to promoting diversity and inclusion and offer scholarships to children from underrepresented backgrounds, ethnicities, or communities.
  • Camp-Specific Scholarships: Some individual camps have their own scholarship programs, which may be need-based, merit-based, or tied to specific criteria set by the camp.


Enjoy shopping around online with your child to find opportunities for camp scholarships.

2. Finding Scholarships:

  • Camp Websites: Start by visiting the websites of the sleepaway camps you are interested in. Many camps provide information about their scholarship programs, eligibility requirements, and application procedures on their websites.
  • Nonprofit Organizations: Some nonprofit organizations, foundations, and charities offer scholarships or grants to help children attend sleepaway camps. Organizations like the American Camp Association (ACA) may also provide resources to find camp scholarships.
  • Local Community Resources: Check with local community organizations, schools, or religious institutions, as they may offer scholarships or grants for children to attend summer camps.
  • Online Scholarship Search Engines: Utilize scholarship search engines and databases that allow you to filter results based on your specific criteria, including location, financial need, and camp type.

3. Application Process:

  • Follow the camp's scholarship application guidelines carefully—they can vary widely.
  • Prepare any required documentation, such as financial records, transcripts, or letters of recommendation.
  • Pay attention to application deadlines, as scholarships often have specific submission timelines.
  • Some scholarship programs may require applicants to write essays or answer specific questions, so be prepared to share your child's story and explain why they should receive the scholarship.
Summer camp is an amazing opportunity you definitely want to give your child.

4. Tips for Success:

  • Apply to multiple scholarship programs to increase your chances of receiving financial assistance.
  • Be honest and transparent about your family's financial situation in need-based scholarship applications.
  • Highlight your child's achievements, talents, and personal qualities in merit-based scholarship applications.
  • Seek advice or assistance from school counselors, community organizations, or camp staff when applying for scholarships.
  • Keep track of all scholarship deadlines and requirements to ensure a timely and complete application.


Overall, scholarships for sleepaway camps can open doors for children, allowing them to benefit from the valuable experiences and lifelong memories that camp offers. Be proactive in your search, apply to suitable programs, and explore available resources to make camp a reality for your child! Good luck. Thanks for reading. And, as always, Happy Camping!


- John

Setting Goals for Summer Camp 2024

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Happy New Year, Everybody!

As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, we wave goodbye to one more year and give a hearty welcome to the new one. It's a time to ponder, make resolutions, and build upon your excitement of the adventures that lie ahead. For those who hold the summer camp spirit dear, it's also just the right time to lay out camp goals for the 2024 year.

As the New Year's sun rises, the countdown begins for camp enthusiasts. It may still be months away, but setting goals for the upcoming season is a great way to add excitement and progression to your year.

Setting goals for yourself when you’re at summer camp is about more than just preparing for an upcoming adventure; it's about personal growth, learning, and embracing new challenges. Camp offers a unique environment where kids and teens can develop valuable life skills, build friendships, and create lasting memories.

Let’s go over some examples of goals you might set for yourself this summer camp season:

Building Confidence and Resilience

One common camp goal is to step out of one's comfort zone. Whether it's conquering a fear of heights on the ropes course or giving a campfire speech, these experiences can boost confidence and resilience, helping campers face challenges with a can-do attitude in all aspects of life.

Fostering Teamwork and Communication

Another valuable goal is to enhance teamwork and communication skills. Camp is a place where campers learn to collaborate on projects, solve problems together, and appreciate the strengths of others. These skills are essential not just at camp but in school, sports, and future careers.

Connecting with Nature

For many campers, reconnecting with nature is a top priority. Goals like exploring the camp's wilderness trails, learning about local wildlife, or mastering outdoor survival skills can deepen one's appreciation for the natural world.

Setting SMART Camp Goals

To turn camp dreams into reality, it's important to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals. Here's an example of a SMART camp goal:

Specific: "I want to learn how to swim across the entire lake by the end of the camp season."

Measurable: You can track progress by noting how many laps you can swim each week.

Achievable: With swimming lessons and practice, this goal is realistic for the summer.

Relevant: It aligns with your passion for water-based activities at camp.

Time-bound: The goal specifies completing it by the end of the camp season.

Creating a Camp Goal Plan

Reflect: Consider your previous camp experiences. What did you enjoy most? What skills or activities do you want to explore further?

Prioritize: Select one or two main camp goals to focus on. Having too many goals can be overwhelming.

Break it Down: Divide your goal into smaller, manageable steps. For instance, if your goal is to make new friends, your steps might include initiating conversations and participating in group activities.

Stay Accountable: Share your goals with friends, family, or a camp counselor who can offer encouragement and support.

Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and celebrate each milestone you reach on your camp goal journey.


As 2024 unfolds, remember that setting camp goals isn't just about preparing for a few weeks of summer; it's about embracing new adventures, fostering personal growth, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. So, let the countdown begin, and may this year be filled with campfire stories, laughter, and the joy of reaching your camp goals!

Keeping in Touch with Camp Friends Outside of Camp

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Hey, Camp Fans!

After the summer camp season comes to a close, the campfire stories may fade, the canoes may be docked, and the bunk beds may lie empty. But the spirit of camp, the friendships forged, and the memories created endure long after the final bugle call. While the physical camp may be tucked away for the winter, staying connected with camp friends and the camp community keeps the camp spirit alive in your heart all throughout the year.

From heartfelt letters and phone calls to video chats and social media, technology has made it easier than ever to bridge the miles that may separate camp friends. Whether it's seeking advice, celebrating successes, or simply lending an understanding ear, knowing you have camp friends to lean on can be a tremendous comfort. Here’s how staying in touch can help you year round.

Be sure to keep in touch with camp friends--call, write, text, videochat, whatever means of contact you have with camp friends!

Relive the Adventure

Remember that epic canoe trip, the thrilling rock climbing session, or the unforgettable talent show performance? Reliving these cherished moments with camp friends keeps the adventure alive. Sharing stories, photos, and videos not only brings joy but also creates a shared narrative that binds campers together. Staying connected ensures that future camp adventures are planned and eagerly anticipated as well.

Lifelong Learning

Summer camp is an educational experience in disguise. It fosters independence, resilience, leadership, and problem-solving skills. Staying connected with camp friends helps you continue to learn from one another, share insights, and keep growing together. Your camp buddies are some of the best teachers you'll ever have!

A Camp Family

It’s not uncommon to be close enough with camp friends that they become an extension of your family. They're there through the ups and downs, the challenges, and the triumphs. In many ways, they're your camp family. By staying connected, you're nurturing these familial ties that offer unconditional support and a sense of home away from home.


Camp isn't just a place; it's a spirit. It's the feeling of unity, the thrill of the outdoors, and the joy of discovery. Keeping that camp spirit alive throughout the year brings a sense of belonging and excitement. Camp-themed gatherings, virtual campfires, or even sending each other camp care packages can rekindle the campfire within.

Camp may be a seasonal adventure, but the friendships and connections you make endure, making every day a little brighter with the camp spirit. Now go give one of your best friends from summer camp a phone call and see how they’ve been! Till next time, thanks for reading and, as always, Happy Camping!


- John

Digital Detox: Encouraging Screen-Free Activities

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Hey, Camp Folks!


Unless you’re attending a computer camp, summer camp is all about disengaging with the virtual world, getting out, and touching grass. Screens seem to be an increasingly present part of our everyday lives, but it’s in today's digital age that it’s more important than ever before to reserve some time so we can step back and encourage screen-free activities.

Don’t get too cozy with those screens. Whether it's for fun, education, work, or communication, spending too much time staring at screens can contribute to unwanted effects. Excessive screen time is often associated with an inactive lifestyle. Sooner or later, a life of continuous inactivity will lead to health problems of varying sorts including physical health problems, mental health challenges, impeded social skills, and more. 

Promoting Screen-Free Activities

Be sure to carry on the extremely important lifestyle you learned at summer camp outside the camp season. Let’s talk about the importance of reducing screen time and go over some tips for screen-free activities that promote creativity and outdoor play.

Create Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas in your home, such as the dining room or bedrooms, as tech-free zones where screens are not allowed. This encourages family members to interact without distractions.

Set Screen Time Limits: Implement daily or weekly screen time limits for both children and adults. Ensure that screen time doesn't interfere with other essential activities like homework, chores, or outdoor play.

Explore the Outdoors: Encourage outdoor activities like hiking, biking, gardening, or simply playing in the park. Nature provides an excellent backdrop for creativity and physical activity.

Arts and Crafts: Promote artistic expression through activities like painting, drawing, or crafting. These hands-on endeavors stimulate creativity and provide a break from screens.

Reading Time: Encourage reading as a screen-free alternative. Visit the local library, pick out books together, and set aside quiet reading time each day.

Family Game Nights: Rediscover the joy of board games, card games, or puzzles during family game nights. These activities foster social interaction and strategic thinking.

Cook and Bake Together: Involve children in the kitchen to prepare meals and snacks. Cooking together not only teaches valuable life skills but also provides an opportunity for bonding.

Music and Dance: Explore the world of music by introducing children to various instruments or dance styles. Creative expression through music and dance is both fun and enriching.

Volunteer as a Family: Engage in community service or volunteer work as a family. It's a meaningful way to spend time together while making a positive impact on others.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Teach mindfulness and meditation techniques to help children and adults relax, de-stress, and become more self-aware.


Benefits of a Digital Detox

Reducing screen time and incorporating screen-free activities into your family's routine can lead to several positive outcomes:

Improved Physical Health: Increased physical activity from outdoor play and reduced screen time can help combat health issues associated with sedentary behavior.

Enhanced Creativity: Engaging in hands-on activities like arts, crafts, and reading fosters creativity and problem-solving skills.

Stronger Relationships: Quality time spent together without screens can strengthen family bonds and improve social skills.

Better Sleep: Limiting screen time before bedtime can lead to better sleep quality and overall well-being.

Stress Reduction: Mindfulness and outdoor activities provide opportunities for relaxation and stress relief.


Of course technology has brought about incredible advancements and conveniences, excessive screen time can have adverse effects on physical health, mental well-being, and creativity. But by prioritizing your activities and finding a healthy balance between screen time and real-life experiences, we can ensure a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle for everyone. Thanks for reading, Camp Fans. And, as always, Happy Camping!


- John